Paper 1
The speaker told us to we must always remember to read th question carefully. The speaker also asked us to check our answer before submit it to the teacher or examiner. We must also avoid making careless mistakes when answering the question.
Paper 2
The speaker told us to look at the picture carefully in section A. We must never predict the situation. In section B, we must transfer the information in the picture to the space provided carefully. Then, we must always give good reasons. In section C, we must make a story about the picture. We can also use the word given to help us.
2) Bahasa Malaysia Workshop
The speaker told us to read the question carefully because the questions are very tricky. In question 31 to 40, we must read the text given and understand it. Then, we must read the question carefully and answer it.
In section A, we must look at the pictures carefully and construct sentences. Then, in section B we must write a six paragraphs essay. We have to check our spelling and grammar. In section C, we must read the text and find moral values. After that, we must transfer it in the space provided.
3) Science Workshop
Section A
We must always understand the question given.We must circle the answer correctly and we must shade the answers in the answer sheet. After we have shade all the answer, we must always check the answer sheet.
Section B
In section B, there will be an experiment. We must read the question given. Then, we must answer the question according to the experiment. After we finish answering the question, we have to check our answers again.
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