My Hamster

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Pre UPSR Answering Techniques Workshop

1) English Workshop
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Paper 1
The speaker told us to we must always remember to read th question carefully. The speaker also asked us to check our answer before submit it to the teacher or examiner. We must also avoid making careless mistakes when answering the question.

Paper 2
The speaker told us to look at the picture carefully in section A. We must never predict the situation. In section B, we must transfer the information in the picture to the space provided carefully. Then, we must always give good reasons. In section C, we must make a story about the picture. We can also use the word given to help us.

2) Bahasa Malaysia Workshop

The speaker told us to read the question carefully because the questions are very tricky. In question 31 to 40, we must read the text given and understand it. Then, we must read the question carefully and answer it.

In section A, we must look at the pictures carefully and construct sentences. Then, in section B we must write a six paragraphs essay. We have to check our spelling and grammar. In section C, we must read the text and find moral values. After that, we must transfer it in the space provided.

3) Science Workshop

Section A
We must always understand the question given.We must circle the answer correctly and we must shade the answers in the answer sheet. After we have shade all the answer, we must always check the answer sheet.

Section B
In section B, there will be an experiment. We must read the question given. Then, we must answer the question according to the experiment. After we finish answering the question, we have to check our answers again.

Sunday, June 6, 2010


First and foremost, I would like to thank Puan Ng Bee Ling for her guidance towards finishing this blog-folio. Next, my mother, Puan Haslinda who has helped and supported me during the process of gradually finishing my assignment that was given to me. Last but not least, I would like to thank my peers or friends, Aiman Sany, Soo Lin Chee, Umar, Nurin Amalin and Hana Arif. They have shared with me informations on this particular subject of having this assignment done. Once again, thank you.

During the process of finishing this blog-folio, I have learnt a lot about using the computer and managing a blog via Internet. The experience I had when doing this assignment was tremendous. I have also learnt to appreciate the modern world and the use of Internet to gather useful informations from different sources.


I think I am cool because I am friendly, honest and helpful.
The person I find interesting and cool is Iman Haziq. This is because:
1. he is an interesting guy
2. he makes awesome jokes
3. last but not least- he is always there for me

What is Conflict?

Conflict means: dispute, quarrel, argument, disagreement, disputation, clash, discord, dissession, friction, strive.

Three Ways To Cool Down:
1. meditating
2. relaxing with family and peers
3. reading your favourite book

Holes In The Fence

Written by: Sheikh Hassan Seylan' Abad
Illustrated by: Raihan Munif Bahasuan
Published by: Abad Ceria Enterprise

There was once a boy with bad temper. His father gave him a bag of nails and told him everytime he lost his temper, he must hammer a nail into the back of the fence. On the first day, the boy drove 37 nails into the fence. Over the next few weeks, as he learned to control his anger, the number of nails hammered daily gradually dwindled. He discovered that it was easier to hold his temper than to drive nails into the fence. Finally, a day came when he did not need the hammer and nails at all. Proudly, he went to tell his father. This time, his father suggested that each day he kept his temper, the boy should pull out a nail from the fence. The days passed, until eventually the boy was able to tell his father that at last all the nails were gone. The father took the boy by the hand and led him to the fence. The father told his son that- "You have done well, son, but look at the holes in the fence! It will never be the same again. When you say things in anger, they leave a scar just like this one. You can put a knife in a man and draw it out. It won't matter how many times you say sorry, the wound will still be there."

Monday, May 31, 2010

The Meaning of Tolerance

Tolerance - an attitude of tolerance towards other people.
: forbearance, toleration, acceptance and patience.

- the plant's tolerance of pollution
: resistance to, resilience to, endurance of.

- a 1% maximum tolerance in measurement.
: deviation, variation, fluctuation, play, leeway, inaccuracy and imprecision

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Things that are cool

1. My mother because she is a loving person.
2. My sister because she always cheers me up when I am sad.
3. Aiman Sany because he is very playful and always makes me laugh.
4. Umar because he will always help me when I am in trouble.
5. Michael Jackson because he is a the KING of POP.
6. My computer because it is so awesome.
7. My school teachers because they are very nice and kind.
8. My pet, sugar glider because it always jumps on my head.